The idea of picking your own vegetables from the garden is becoming a more appealing (and necessary) option in this day and time. Gardening is the forerunner to our beloved and necessary essential oils. Without the first we would not be able to enjoy the second in our diffuser jewelry! A luscious, fruitful garden is a great idea, but what is the best way to actually go about avoiding weeds and watering the garden to product maximum benefits?

Here is a great way to start a new garden: it’s called the Garden of Eden method.
The concept is supported by the biblical idea of “covering”. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were “covered” before the fall and “uncovered” after it. A powerful protection comes through a covering, and that is one element of facilitating the most powerful growth of any healthy seed – whether it be a physical seed, emotional one, or mental one. Any seed can grow more powerfully when it is protected through its most vulnerable stages.
Check out this site for more information and step-by-step instructions on how to avoid weeds and have a fruitful garden this year:
Happy gardening!