5 Ways Essential Oils are Transforming the Global Economy

Essential Oils are rapidly becoming a regular consumer product in grocery stores, pharmacies, and spas around the world. Natural remedies are gaining popularity as consumers push for more organic and chemical-free products. So, here are some ways essential oils are transforming the global economy over the next few years.

Support Farmers

Essential oils support small farmers in developing countries. Buying essential oils supports the farmers who actually need the income to support their family and community.

Natural Products

The increasing demand for more natural products is creating a bigger market for essential oils. Consumers are becoming more eco-friendly buyers that are always checking the labels on the products they purchase. So when something is labeled made with essential oils, instead of the fragrances and flavors of chemicals whose names nobody can pronounce, consumers feel better adding it to their cart.

Ethically Sourced

Companies like doTERRA are sourcing products locally and creating a sustainable economic growth in underdeveloped communities. Because essential oils are part of an international market, having a sustainable and supportive business model goes a long way toward improving the global economy with their products. And when companies like these invest the time and resources into helping the rural essential oil producers provide to their communities, everybody wins.

Quality Difference

Essential oils are sold in varying grades and can be marketed through many different sales channels. Whether it’s pharmaceutical, industrial, or fragrance grade essential oil, the versatility of essential oils allows for more access for the consumer. Essential oils can be purchased through wholesale distributors, retail, and specialty stores, or ordered online. The availability of essential oils allows consumers multiple access points to have more health-conscious products in every room in the house.

Different Uses

The applications of essential oils are broad (and there many ways to diffuse it too), including food & beverages, therapeutics and cosmetics, aromatherapy, fragrances, and many other uses. Some of the most significant applications that essential oils are being used for are in the food and beverage industry, cosmetics, aromatherapy, fragrances, and household cleaners. Citrus essential oil is especially taking off in the food and beverage industry.

With the predicted rise of essential oils in the global market within the next five years, more companies will be getting on the bandwagon and start importing essential oils from organic, high-quality producers around the world. Essential oils provide such a wide array of applications to the food, health, and cosmetic industries that companies will be proud to label their products as “made with organic essential oils.”
