Jami Nato @oilcollective
Jami posts beautiful pictures of the oils she uses and loves, and I am always inspired to try something new when I read her posts! If you are a Young Living fan, or want to learn more about the products, she often posts tips on products from their oils to supplements, and even shares how she is using oils in recipes (oil-infused cocktail anyone??). She has built up a successful business, and I love her approach on educating and motivating her team. You will want to check out her post on using cocoa powder for dry shampoo if you have dark hair…genius!
Aubrey Pruneda @ampeoliving
One of Aubrey’s recent quotes she posted on Instagram read “Changing your INTERNAL world is how you change your EXTERNAL reality”. As a doTerra leader, Aubrey’s Instagram feed is filled with encouraging reminders, periscope videos that motivate YOU as a leader, and of course, beautiful pictures of essential oils! She offers great tips and tricks for her favorite oils, and as a fellow mom, she incorporates many ways she uses oils with her family, which is great! And that shirt she is wearing in her pic? So cute, right? You can find it here.
Lesley Graham @lesleygrahamessentials
If you want the recipe for her “In the Mood” blend, you need to go check out Lesley’s feed! (Trust me, it’s a good one!) I LOVE all of the beauty tips I find on her Instagram, and she is building up a successful team with Young Living (#goldendropsociety). Lesley focuses not only on essential oils, but truly building up a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle.
Hannah Ebeling @hannahebelingessentials
Another Young Living fan, but follow her no matter what essential oils you like to use! Not only will you see GORGEOUS, inspirational photos, but Hannah often shares how and why she uses different oils, and shares custom blends and recipes (like this blend she posted about to support concentration and focus). You can now even visit her blog for more tips, tricks, and recipes.
Essential Oils Guide @essential_oils_guide
Their profile mentions that they are the ultimate guide for essential oils – and they truly are a great feed to follow if you are looking for tips on individual oil usage, or great oils and combos for many different occasions! For example, the above post gives a great tip on what essential oils you might use in the car to help you stay alert while driving (we think these oils would be great in your diffuser necklace as well!). Check them out for great information, giveaways, and more.
We know there are MANY great essential oil Instagram feeds, and we just couldn’t list them all! But these will get you started. We’d love to hear from you – which Instagram accounts do you love to follow to keep you motivated and encouraged to use your essential oils?