1) Diffuser Jewelry
Choose a piece of diffuser jewelry from Drops of Joy Jewelry, and mom will be able to wear her favorite essential oil throughout the day (plus, it will look beautiful on her!). She will love one of the stainless steel items pictured above, or choose one you can personalize with a hand-stamped charm. Pair with a great oil, and you’ve got a thoughtful gift!
2) Luxury Bath & Shower Oils from Aromatherapy Associates
I have been LOVING these bath and shower oils from Aromatherapy Associates! What a treat for an aromatherapy-loving mom. You can find many bath, body, & skincare products on their website (based in the UK but they ship all over). With over 30 years of experience, these products were designed to nourish, rejuvenate & work at a deep level to help natural beauty shine. If you have to pick just one, my favorite has been the Deep Relax Bath and Shower Oil, featuring Vetiver, Sandalwood, and Chamomile. Go check out their website (and pick something up for yourself while you’re there!).
3) Essential Oil Perfume
You know by now that there are often toxins and random chemicals in the regular perfumes you purchase at a counter at the mall. Why not make your own? Wellness Mama has a great guide on just how to do this.
4) Homemade body scrub
Our favorite recipe by far has been the Creamsicle Vanilla Sugar Scrub – we actually made these for mom and teacher gifts LAST year!
Maggie over at Smashed Peas and Carrots has the low-down on this great gift, PLUS she gives you free printables!
5) Wool Dryer Balls
Keep it Real Natural Living has the BEST wool dryer balls – we love ours! These are great because it’s a chemical-free alternative to dryer sheets or liquid fabric softener. Raleen offers many other gift-worthy products on her website, so click the link above to browse her hand-made product line!
Feeling ambitious? Create a gift basket including each of the items listed above (or a mix)! Mom will love the thought put into these natural gifts this year. We would love to see anything you are giving or making for mom with essential oils! Make sure to tag us on Instagram @dropsofjoyjewelry. You can also get $5 off one of the diffuser necklaces above when you subscribe to our mailing list.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!