Frankincense essential oil is steam distilled from resin of trees in the Boswellia genus. It has many benefits, and has been used traditionally to promote relaxation.
One of our favorite ways to use Frankincense is in diffuser jewelry (try vetiver, lavender, and frank for a calm, grounding blend), but topical use and inhalation via a room diffuser are also popular methods. Please make sure to dilute with a carrier oil if using topically.
Here are 10 different ways you can be using Frankincense essential oil. Read on below for more information on each:
- Stress relief and relaxation
- Household cleaning
- Oral hygeine
- Acne scars
- PMS relief
- Cancer
- Asthma relief
- Skin care
- Yoga and meditation
- Respiratory issues
1) Stress Relief & Relaxation
Long hectic day (or even just a crazy morning with the kiddos)? Try adding a few drops of Frankincense to your jewelry to enjoy, or add to epsom salts in a bath to bring yourself back to a state of calm. Frankincense has properties that may help ease anxiety and depression when you breathe it in, without negative side effects.
2) Household Cleaning
Typically we tend to reach for citrusy oils for cleaning, but did you know that Frankincense has antiseptic and disinfectent properties that make it a great choice for this? The Indian Spot Blog has some great recipes to try for creating your own household cleaners.
3) Oral Hygeine
Due to those same antiseptic properties noted above, oral-care products using Frankincense can be great preventatives for things like cavities, bad breath, and other oral problems. Living Libations offers a Frankincense Fresh Toothpaste made with organic virgin coconut oil and other natural ingredients, or you can make your own at home with this recipe from Road to Living Whole.
4) Acne Scar Remedy
Use this recipe from which incorporates frankincense, lavender, tea tree oil, and honey to help lighten the appearance of acne scars.
- 2 tsp raw honey
- 3 drops lavender oil
- 3 drops tea tree oil
- 3 drops frankincense oil
Apply the paste an hour before going to sleep, then rinse off before you turn in for the night.
5) PMS Relief
This recipe comes from The Little Book of Aromatherapy (by Kathi Keville) to help ease PMS symptoms.
- 12 drops lavender
- 6 drops sweet marjoram
- 4 drops chamomile
- 4 drops ginger
- 3 drops frank
- 2 oz jojoba oil
Combine into a roller bottle and roll on or massage into your lower back or abdomen during that time of the month.
6) Cancer-fighter
Ok, you’ve probably heard about this one, as it’s a much talked-about topic. Frankincense and the big C word. We found this article particularly interesting, as it discusses studies where frankincense was successful in destroying cancer cells that were not affected by chemo. As we are not doctors, we can only steer you in the direction to do your own research and talk with your doctor on this subject if it is of interest to you. There are many success stories out there!
7) Asthma Relief
Often times, Eucalyptus Essential Oil is recommended as effective in caring for respiratiory issues, but Frankincense Essential Oil can be just as effective as a natural remedy for asthma due to its anti-inflammatory properties. You may try using topically at the bridge of your nose or behind your ears, or inhaling by means of a diffuser or your diffuser jewelry to help maintain clear airways. Some suggest rubbing Frankincense on your chest during an asthma attack, or massaging on your feet during allergy season.
9) Yoga and Meditation
During yoga or meditation, you might enjoy Frankincense in your Be Still diffuser necklace, or just put a few drops in your hands and breathe it in for the reminder to stay centered and present and focus on your breathing.
10) Respiratory Issues
Did you know that Frankincense can help relieve coughing and get rid of that yucky phlegm in the lungs and respiratory tract? It has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties that also may relax airways to reduce the possibility of an asthma attack.
There are so many other uses for Frankincense essential oil; these are just the 10 that we found extremely helpful and interesting! We also love blending this oil with Lemon, Orange, Bergamot, or Lavender when wearing in our Drops of Joy Jewelry. Always check with your doctor before using natural remedies, especially if you are currently on medication.