The Lord has given us many options through nature itself, via essential oils with properties that may help calm your nerves, soothe your soul, and bring peace to you throughout the day. Wearing a lava stone diffuser bracelet is a great way to experience the healing benefits of these oils, both aromatically and topically. Here are 9 of our favorite essential oils you can use right away when you get your Keep Calm diffuser bracelet from Drops of Joy Jewelry. Read below for more details on each one.
- Lavender
- Geranium
- Bergamot
- Ylang Ylang
- Jasmine
- Lemon
- Melissa
- Patchouli
- Sandalwood

Lavender essential oil – Having trouble sleeping? This oil has sedative properties that might help you fall asleep more easily at bedtime. The fragrance is very relaxing, and it is also often used in bath salts, candles, and lotions.
Geranium essential oil – If you’re having a day where you just feel overall “down”, geranium is a great choice, as it has a very uplifting fragrance that helps promote emotional wellness.
Bergamot essential oil – This oil is a personal favorite, as it has properties that soothe. In some cases it may help combat depression by increasing energy, but, it also has been shown to promote relaxation.
Ylang Ylang essential oil – This oil has properties that may help cheer you up, and it also helps tame fears if you find yourself getting overwhelmed and unnerved. This study shows how a combination of Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, and Lavender helped reduce “psychological stress responses and serum cortisol levels, as well as the blood pressure of clients with essential hypertension.”
Jasmine essential oil – Another personal favorite, which comes from the Jasmine flower. It has been used as a great natural remedy for anxiety and stressed-to-the-max emotions. The calming effects of this oil might also help you sleep better at night.
Lemon essential oil – Lemon oil is great for detoxing the body and it also may help lift your mood when wearing on your diffuser jewelry.
Melissa essential oil – This oil has been given the nickname “Elixir of Life” for it’s mood-lifting properties. It helps to relax the body and mind, and help bring about a state of contentment.
Patchouli essential oil – This oil may be useful in helping cope with depression, anxiety, and general stress. When you breathe in this oil, it helps to release hormones that may help calm anger and anxiousness.
Sandalwood essential oil – This essential oil helps promote clarity in thought, and has many therapeutic benefits. It not only smells beautiful, but you will experience its calming, relaxing properties without necessarily feeling sleepy.
Inhalation of essential oils brings many benefits because emotions are linked to our sense of smell, and calming responses (slowing heart rate, regular breathing, blood pressure, etc.) are stimulated by the properties of certain oils.
The Keep Calm Diffuser Bracelet also features semi-precious stones that may help encourage serenity during your day. The natural lava stones are very porous and you will enjoy both topical and aromatic benefits of your oils while using them on this bracelet. Lava stones are symbolic of protection & strength, and promote stability during changing times.
Amazonite and aquamarine are soothing stones that have been said to balance mood swings and help overcome fears. Ocean Jasper brings a spirit of peace and is a stone of strength and renewal. Finally, Tiger’s Eye may help release fear and anxiety, and aids in discernment and understanding in making important descisions.
Which of the essential oils above are your favorite, or do you have others that you love to use to “Keep Calm”?